7 February, 2013, Санкт-Петербург — Торговый Дом Интерес | 230
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To conclude the research, there were analyzed the purchases for the period from 10 to 23 February 2012. During this time there were issued 120 orders for the men's gifts.
The first place in the ranking was taken by the Dolphin handheld massager, which due to it's high functionality and small size became the most popular gift option for a man. The majority of the interviewed women explained their choice by the care for a man, who needs rest after the working day.
The similar presents took 3rd and 5th place of the rating: a car massage cape and a massage-chair. The robot vacuum cleaner, that took the second place, was presented by tdinteres.ru users to their husbands to make the house cleaning more entertaining.
The fourth place was taken by the "Flying Fish" toy - the radio controlled balloon that might entertain even the most serious man. It is more fun than the radio control helicopter.
The video of the "flying fish" you can check here http://tdinteres.ru/podarki_na_prazdniki_internet_magazin/podarki_na_23_fevralya/
Torgovyj Dom Interes presents the wide selection of gifts for any holiday or occasion, you can find the gift ideas for parents, friends and lovers. You can chose between the products for weight loss, useful inventions, appliances for the kitchen and cleaning, gym, dancing, etc.
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