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Legendary Japanese Orthopedic Backpack Randoseru is Available in Russia

1 August, 2013, МоскваRush Agency Улучшенный аккаунт | 417 Колличество просмотров

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Legendary Japanese orthopedic backpack Randoseru is finally available for purchase in Russia.

Leather backpack Randoseru is an important element of Japanese teen culture that has become a fixture of schoolchildren in the Land of the Rising Sun in the middle of the twentieth century. However, the story of the appearance of this bag in the Japanese islands dates back several centuries. In the beginning of XIX century, Japan was closed for foreigners and almost had no foreign trade, making an exception only for a few countries, including Holland. Dutch infantrymen who was guarding the merchant ships used similar military backpacks, later they became the prototype for Randoseru. Even the Japanese word “Randoseru” is the modified form of the Dutch “ransel” (“backpack”) with the adjustments made by the national pronunciation.

Randoseru backpack has an important symbolic value for young Japanese, because it represents their maturation and transition to a new stage of life. For the first time Randoseru is seen by the Russian children in the Japanese anime television series. It is usually decorated with vivid details, painted with acrylic paints, it can be presented and even demised.

Dimensions (33x18x25 cm), weight (1 kg), material and classic shape of the backpack have passed the test of time and remained virtually unchanged over the past two centuries: a few tens of generations of Japanese schoolchildren was convinced on their own experience that perfect proportions and orthopedic properties of Randoseru have a positive effect on posture and provide a unique casual comfort. For example, one of the most important design features of the backpack is soft cushions for the back, which reduces the load on the spine, as well as the special straps adjusting mechanism that allows to perfectly adjust the Randoseru according to the individual constitution.

Randoseru is presented in different colours, but despite the rich colour palette, the most popular are the classic black (for boys) and the classic red (for girls). Randoseru is handmade with the high quality synthetic leather Clarino - a unique, patented material of new generation, created by Kuraray. Clarino surpasses natural leather in many ways - it has no smell, no deformation, it is hypoallergenic and very light. Due to this Randoseru will serve for a long time.

Now the Randoseru backpack can be purchased online at randose.ru

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