25 June, 2013, Москва — РА "Профит" | 599
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Телекоммуникации и Связь
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Through the SIPUNI development, when you create a virtual PBX user can customize the communication system of predefined blocks, without the help of external specialists.
If you need to fix something in the PBX circuit, you can simply add or remove items while experimenting with the interface of your telephone station. You can return to your previous settings of virtual PBX at any time.
The new service from SIPUNI «IP-phone SIM-card» combines the advantages of IP-telephony and GSM-communication, allowing employees to communicate free using corporate number, at whatever part of Russia they are. Connection is established through the GSM network, without having the internet. All calls pass through the PBXs cloud and are charged according to the SIP-operator terms.
Project manager of Sipuni.com Artemy Moroko notes that the use of technology IP-sim-card was first implemented by Sipuni in February 2013. At the moment this service has no analogues among the operators of the Russian market of IP-telephony.
Besides the aforementioned innovations, Sipuni offers its corporate customers many other options including standard virtual PBX services. Multifunction statistics system makes it possible to control the cost of corporate telephony and call recording option which protects a business process from external and internal threats. Cloud PBX from SIPUNI is a versatile tool, which allows you to accumulate calls from mobile and landline numbers, and Internet services such as Skype and GTalk.
Learn more about our services please visit Sipuni.com or call +7 499 647-47-47.
About the Company:
Russian cloud service Sipuni.com was established in 2008 based on the license of «Beta VoIP» operator. SIPUNI company has several data centers on the territory of Russia, Sweden, United States and provides services for the development of virtual PBX in 54 countries around the world.
The Russian Federation
Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse, building 39, office 305
Sales Department: +7 499 647-47-47, 555-88-47 8800
[email protected]
Support: +7 499 647-40-40
[email protected]
Working hours: 9:30 - 18:30
Skype: sipuni_manager
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