1 September, 2011, Никосия — Econtrust Limited | 245
Финансы и Банки
Энергетика, Нефть и Газ
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A group of Hungarian scientists has recently discovered a way of transforming plastic into a pure ecologic fuel that will not contaminate the planet with exhausted fumes. This discovery was turned into a patent of the Hungarian enterprise and our company has recently purchased it! Now you can easily invest in the fuel market sector and become one of the pioneers in the future of a safe fuel.
Look around and notice what you see. Billions of dollars are involved into the great oil-making community. Billions of dollars are oriented to lower the level of contamination of the Earth made by oil usage in our everyday life. Rarely do we hear of plants and tankers that pollute the area, but we often notice the fume and smog waving above the city and preventing us from breathing free.
Econtrust Limited not only provides a great possibility for investing, but also introduces a panacea of dealing with exhausted fumes, smog and greenhouse effect. The production of an environmentally-friendly fuel will solve these problems in several years and is beneficial enough to raise the trade in the fuel sector.
Remember numerous oil-related conflicts as well as the fact that there is no much oil left on the Earth. Stop depending on politics and governments, on sudden price raisings because from now on you will be the master of your own wallet.
Forget about paying for the mistakes of others and create your own hierarchy of money investing up to 5,000,000 dollars or more in the industry of a plastic-based fuel. In this case you will get both the benefits and the satisfaction of the fact that your money helps to clean the planet.
The CEO of the Econtrust Limited company, Martin Thomas, says: 'Every day people make the Earth a worse place to live in. We are giving a possibility to make your own habitat with clean air, soil and water without the majority of contaminating factors that are usually based on oil-related materials.' Invest right now and get the huge profit from the one-and-only right decision.
It's time to make this place cleaner and safer and watch it becoming a perfect place to raise our children in. Seize the opportunity now and you will never have to regret having done it later.
Contact information:
Mailing address: PO Box 40945
CY-1090, Limassol, Cyprus
Headquarters Address:
81-83 Grivas Digenis Ave., 5th Floor, Office 511
CY-1090, Nicosia, Cyprus
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