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Queen Maria II ofJerusalem coronation speech, 22 April 2012

25 April, 2012, ИерусалимКоролевство Любви  | 67 Колличество просмотров

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Today makes me feel not only the satisfaction, but also the pride, because within the limited period of time in terms of history I became the Queen of this wonderful country - the Kingdom of Love, even though under the risk of being insulted and accused. I am aware that to the world society it is not quite clear yet, how it should treat these "new endeavours".

Queen Maria II of Jerusalem

 We gathered together for the sake of today's ceremonial event here inJerusalem, the holy city for all the people. I find this very symbolic that the day of my coronation coincided with another not only just a big, but rather a truly global holiday - The International Mother Earth Day. Deep down I feel: The time of changes has come! The mighty force is standing behind us! The force that cannot be challenged - the force of the Truth!

 I wish to thank my supporters. You supported those first steps that were made by theKingdomofLove, our common goals, our future. You believed that together we could change the life on this planet to the best. I truly appreciate this.

 The life itself and the evolution provide us with crucially new and more difficult tasks. And yet, we believe in ourselves. We believe that we can substantially modify and transform our planet to ensure reaching the righteous balance between the economical, social and ecological requirements of today's and future generations. For the last two years the foundation for the stable development of our country has been made. We must use this unique chance to the full extent, so that theKingdomofLovewill be capable of duly performing its mission.

 The current situation in the world is marked by the lack of security and armament race, contamination and destruction of the biosphere, climate warning, incomplete use of the social and economical capabilities of the society, deficiency and irrational resource management, social management inefficiency, inflation and many other issues. However, the important thing is that the technological progress worldwide is not accompanied by the spiritual one. Modern information civilization reached the level, whereby its further survival will directly depend on the shift in the world-view. The threat of destruction of life on the planet today is high and real. Only through development of the spiritual qualities we can change all the wealth-oriented civilization and implement its huge potential for the benevolent intentions. 

Only through his adequate spiritual evolution a human will be capable of implementing his own technical power by way of foreseeing and warning the unwanted consequences of his activity and preventing abusing the achieved. People now need to come closer to the next stage of their evolution, whereby combining the power with the wisdom they will learn to maintain their lives in harmony and balance. Spirituality is the functional foundation for creation and determining the destiny of the world and the mankind. The process of a human's perception of the unity of all the world's events passes through it. Peace and harmony on this planet must be strengthened via the cooperation of various confessions, social groups and national cultures.

 I am certain that we are absolutely capable of solving these issues. The nature is built that way, so that any impulse even the tiniest one given to a matter is endless, while the consequences of the action once done whether big or small shall sooner or later have an effect. We share common goals. We want that theKingdomofLovewill be a prosperous country, respected worldwide and its citizens will be proud of it. Being a unique neutral ground for the secular spirituality and implementing the world cultural and humanitarian projects, promoting and actively using the peace keeping principles of the spiritual diplomacy for conflict regulation, theKingdomofLoveshall facilitate the transferring of the mankind to a new evolution stage.

I am perfectly aware of the range of responsibility I am going to bear, and once again, I wish to thank you with all of my heart and I count on our joint operation.

May You Be Blessed!

Queen Maria II ofJerusalem

 Jerusalem, 22 April 2012


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