4 October, 2006, Москва — Yandex | 297
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The main page of blogs.yandex.ru now displays the most popular entries recently posted in Russian-language online journals (popularity is determined by the number of links to an entry, number of comments, and other criteria). The ratings of most widely discussed movies, TV shows, exhibitions, and theaters allow to understand what cultural events interest journal owners today. There is also the top news story of the day — an event currently most extensively debated in blogs.
"Not long ago, we published a study of the Russian-language blogosphere, which revealed the diversity of interests of our bloggers," comments head of Blog Search service Anton Volnukhin. “Now anyone can watch these interests change in real time.”
The new version of Blog Search provides the users with a range of new information about blogs and bloggers. The blog catalog will help find an interesting journal or a community on the required subject. The rating encompassing all blogs known to Yandex Blog Search shows the most popular Russian-language journals. Some of the ratings cover both mass blog hosting services and bloggers who do not use them. There is also a rating of mass media sources that are the most frequently mentioned in blogs, demonstrating where bloggers get the news.
Yandex Blog Search is a tool for navigating public opinions on the Web. The service was opened nearly two years ago; in March 2006, Yandex launched a new version. Blog Search processes 300,000 entries in more than 1,328,000 Russian-language blogs daily. Half a million people use Yandex Blog Search every month.
Elena Kolmanovskaya, Chief Editor
Dina Litvinova, Head of Yandex PR
Phone: +7 495 739-70-00
Fax: +7 495 739-70-70
E-mail: [email protected]
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