26 September, 2007, Москва — Yandex | 319
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The featured satellite maps are based on high-resolution (5.8 meters per a pixel) satellite images that allow users to view St. Petersburg as well as rural towns and villages in the region.
A Yandex.Maps user, with the addition of these images, can locate many places of interest in the region such as businesses, parks and tourist destinations like St. Isaac's Cathedral, Pavlovsk Palace, Neva River Fountain, Lake Vuoksa, Petrovski Stadium and the Academy of Fine Arts. Like Yandex’s Moscow maps, there are three viewing modes for displaying the image of the area: regular city scheme (a graphical representation of a city’s grid, including street names and house numbers), satellite (high-resolution satellite images of a geographical area) and hybrid (a combination of regular city scheme and satellite).
Satellite images for the Yandex.Maps service are courtesy of R&D Center ScanEx and are sourced from a 2006 survey of the territory.
The Yandex.Maps service was launched in 2004. Today, the service features detailed maps of most of the largest cities in Russia. The service’s weekly traffic is over 1 million people.
Sample queries:
St. Isaac's Cathedral
Pavlovsk Palace
Engineer's Castle (Mikhailovsky Castle)
Neva River Fountain
Petrovski Stadium
The Academy of Fine Arts.
Lake Vuoksa
Kazan Cathedral
Elena Kolmanovskaya, Chief Editor
Dina Litvinova, Head of Yandex PR
Phone: +7 495 739-70-00
Fax: +7 495 739-70-70
E-mail: [email protected]
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