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Social Sky of a Million Stars Project will Make the Star-fall

26 February, 2014, АлматыLmedia Улучшенный аккаунт | 773 Колличество просмотров

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Young Almaty student Lev Gilyov has launched the Social Sky of a Million Stars online project ihavestar.com. On his new website ihavestar.com author offers to buy a star and to take part in the future mass wish making. The project is a giant virtual stellar sky available for travelling from side to side...

The project ihavestar.com is a giant virtual stellar sky available for travelling from side to side. Every registered user can buy a “star” on this horizon and give it its own unique name, the coordinates provided can be linked to the accounts in such popular social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, VK.

Because the star “design” includes owner’s avatar, name and city of residence, users can find their friends and acquaintances in the project.

When all the stars of Social Sky of a Million Stars project will get their names and faces, the author promises to start the first virtual star-fall, which will make one million wishes come true — one for each owner of a star. In addition, Lev Gilyov suggests that the number of participants, which will make a wish at the same time, will be a record and go down in history.

Despite of the recent launch, the Social sky already has the first owners of stars. To join them, you need to go through the simple registration process and pay 4 dollars.

Simplicity of the original idea attracts a huge number of people wishing to participate in the project. Most of them are young people. Their friends ask them to join the constellations or just give them stars. Many girls were surprised by this unique romantic gift from their young people, because the star from the sky, even virtual, vividly and memorably tells about the feelings of their boyfriends.

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Левитас Александр


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«Мы собрали на одной сцене лучших экспертов по малобюджетному маркетингу и бизнесменов, уже внедривших инструменты партизанского маркетинга в своих компаниях, чтобы они поделились с участниками конференции самыми эффективными инструментами и самыми яркими „фишками“, которые можно будет сразу применить в своем бизнесе и очень скоро получить результат»

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