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FXOpen was recognized as the best ECN broker in 2012

11 January, 2013, Окленд+380 50 644-00-94 Улучшенный аккаунт | 377 Колличество просмотров

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On December 2012 the Masterforex-V Academy summarized independent rating of Forex brokers. The first place in the rating and the name of the Best ECN broker of 2012 according to the Masterforex-V Academy goes to FXOpen.

Masterforex-V Academy is the leading Forex industry portal among Russian-speaking users. The website held a year-round voting in the ratings on several categories, in the end of the year the company summarizes and awards the winners. Rating is independent and combines a subjective assessment of users in the form of open voting and objective data of participating companies, measured in points.

This year FXOpen got the maximum 3290 points, surpassing the other brokers in the Best ECN broker in 2012 rating. Voting members mentioned the following advantages of working with FXOpen:

  • the world's lowest spreads (from 0 points on ECN), which depend on the actual market situation;
  • high-speed order execution, no requotes;
  • ForexCup — unique contests, which give each trader a chance to win FXOpen PAMM account with more than $1,000 at the balance.

FXOpen broker is the first Forex company to introduce an innovative service for customers — access to the interbank market (ECN-commerce) over MetaTrader 4 terminal — popular platform among traders. The company is working daily on improvement of the service and holding a leadership position in the ECN/STP direction. Today traders from all over the world have the opportunity to estimate the pluses of ECN with FXOpen, and those, who have already opened ECN accounts, mark FXOpen as the best company for ECN trading.


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Левитас Александр


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«Мы собрали на одной сцене лучших экспертов по малобюджетному маркетингу и бизнесменов, уже внедривших инструменты партизанского маркетинга в своих компаниях, чтобы они поделились с участниками конференции самыми эффективными инструментами и самыми яркими „фишками“, которые можно будет сразу применить в своем бизнесе и очень скоро получить результат»

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