30 November, 2010, Сидней — http://www.money-maker-machine.com | 292
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Did you think ever that you can find software which is capable to run your own very unique strategy?
Today’s online roulette players prefer to get a ready roulette strategy and to run it without to know what it finally will do so by the end they will say “it don’t work”.
I will recommend to not using recommended roulette strategies. Instead of this I will recommend to all online roulette players to make their own roulette strategies.
While doing this you should take care that you don’t use black box roulette strategies and instead of this to use only roulette strategies based on open source format.
What represent a black box roulette strategy?
Usually this represent a roulette strategy based on exe file which do everything for you but unfortunately it never will allow you to control the game process and the worst news is that you never can know what it finally do.
What represent open source format?
Usually this is a strategy described by a script and based on an open source format so you can know always what will do this strategy real time.
By using open source strategy you have several advantages:
So these are only several of advantages but the list is much bigger.
Like I said before, scripting represent the most advanced way to build your own roulette strategy.
On today market we have several scripting software but only one of all these can do everything. I know one roulette scripter but it is used only to design your own roulette strategy. By this I mean that the player can only design his roulette strategy and only analyze it.
So this is not enough because later this strategy will be played manually and this is exactly what most of players don’t like to do. Let better I will tell you about the best software can do everything starting from the design of your own roulette strategy and ending with a totally automated script which will play for you.
So the difference between these products is not big. The PRO version has THE possibility to build user friendly interface for your own roulette strategy.
So if you have a simple roulette strategy to run, with max 20-25 variables then “ROULETTE SCRIPTER STUDIO” is the best solution to choose. In case you have a very complex roulette strategy to run then I will recommend Pro version which is for everything you can have ever in your mind.
Both products are capable not only to design and test your own roulette strategy but even to automate 100% any of your online roulette strategies.
You are right! You make a script and this software will run it for you and you will watch on your screen how this software play for you and follow step by step any of your instructions.
At this time you can use Roulette Scripter Studio in more than 500 online casinos based on next gambling platforms like:Playtech, Playtech | Live Roulette, Real Time Gaming, BetVoyager, Microgaming.
Company: Money Maker Machine
Address: http://www.money-maker-machine.com
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