4 February, 2011, Сидней — http://www.money-maker-machine.com | 764
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Most of you possible know what represent a roulette strategy or how other calls it a roulette system. I will call this roulette strategy. In this article I will use it short name DCS. So DCS is a roulette tool which will allow you to create any type of online roulette strategies based on columns/dozens bets. Most of you know that for strategies based on two roulette elements like red/black, the best progression will be Martingale.
Which progression to use in case you want to play strategies based on three roulette elements like columns or dozens?
In this case the best choice will be Fibonacci progression and the tool will help you to do this will be DCS. You possible know about another our software called RBS or Red and Black Roulette Systems Studio but it is for strategies based on two roulette elements. In case you want to build strategies based on three roulette elements like columns or dozens then the best choice will be DCS. This roulette tools is easy to use because all you should do is to select the casino where you want to play and choose the roulette strategy you want to use. Related to online casinos where you can use this tool then you have to select one from more than 100 online available online casinos. The best news is that you decide which balance to use and which will be the starting bet.From its side the roulette tool will provide you with an easy to use interface which also is a very informative. There you will have full control under your session and will know the status of the each current active step. Another useful feature is real money simulator which will allow you to test any of your strategies directly in real money mode using 0$ balance. Like I told before you can design your own online roulette strategy based on columns/dozens bets. In case you don’t have a strategy then you can choose one from our remote strategies database. There you can find more than 600 available strategies built for different online casinos and based on different ideas.
Also I want to tell you that DCS roulette strategies are based on open source roulette system format so by this I mean that you always will know what do any of the roulette systems you will select to play. This format allows the player to modify any of existing strategies and this mean to improve any of them. DCS is fully automated software or how other calls this auto play software where you select the strategy to play and DCS follow exactly it. Another useful feature is that during the game process the player can switch for some steps to manual mode and after to move back to fully automated mode. So this is used in case the player see that the strategy don’t return good results and he want to modify the current active strategy. DCS is a very advanced roulette tool and one game let say for 100$ should be divided into many sessions where each session should use a new palette and the amount to win per session will not be more than 33% of the balance to use. So if you look for the best roulette tool for dozens/columns bets then DCS is exactly the tool you need. This software was developed by Money Maker Machine Network which is the best roulette tools provider for all online roulette players.
If you ever will need a tool for your own roulette game then Money Maker Machine have always something to offer.
Company: Money Maker Machine
Address: http://www.money-maker-machine.com
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