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MoiKrug and Vedomosti Become Partners

2 July, 2007, МоскваYandex  | 274 Колличество просмотров

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Internet, July 2, 2007. Today users of MoiKrug service at Yandex became full members of Vedomosti newspaper Readers Club. Now anybody who has an account at MoiKrug can access all options of the newspaper's website, including discussion boards, without having to have a new registration at www.vedomosti.ru.

User name at MoiKrug service together with the link to their personal page will be displayed at the Vedomosti website at every step of the user (for example, when adding comments to an article). Moreover, from July 1 to July 31 of 2007 all members of MoiKrug social network can enjoy free access to complete electronic archive of Vedomosti newspaper.

”The joint project will allow MoiKrug to bolster reputation in business circles, and to attract more audience for Vedomosti,” says Ilya Shirokov, who manages MoiKrug service. ”MoiKrug is actively developing job search and business contact search services, certainly many of them will be of interest for the members of Vedomosti Readers Club.”

”We are happy to offer our readers an opportunity to communicate directly with the users of MoiKrug service. Surely, the users of MoiKrug will also find it convenient to use the Vedomosti website without a new registration,” says Victor Sakson, editor of Vedomosti.ru.

Vedomosti is a business daily newspaper distributed in 75,000 copies. The newspaper is co-owned by the world business press leaders Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal, and the largest Russian publishing house Independent Media Sanoma Magazines. Vedomosti is published since 1999.

MoiKrug is the largest Russian-language social network for professionals. Hundreds of thousands users of the service find here friends, colleagues, employment or employees for their company. In March 2007 MoiKrug was purchased by Yandex company. Together with this Yandex employed the service creators and developers team.

Elena Kolmanovskaya, Chief Editor
Dina Litvinova, Head of Yandex PR
Phone: +7 495 739-70-00
Fax: +7 495 739-70-70
E-mail: [email protected]


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