2 December, 2008, Москва — Yandex | 285
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Currently, Yandex.Books database has around 744,000 works and editions of almost 10,000 authors. The Yandex.Books service can automatically link works, editions and authors together based on analysis of online book catalogs, offers at online shops, information in online ecyclopedias and other resources.
For instance, the page of Julio Cortazar’s "Hopscotch" on Yandex.Books in addition to links to the book’s full text online and its online offers, also has a full list of all known editions of this work in Russian, Spanish and English. Any authorized Yandex user can share their views on the books they have read, recommend a book to other readers, add authors to favorites, and put books they would like to read on a wish list.
Publishers wishing to provide quality information about published works are welcome to join Yandex.Books. Inquiries about partnership are accepted at [email protected].
Elena Kolmanovskaya, Chief Editor
Dina Litvinova, Head of Yandex PR
Phone: +7 495 739-70-00
Fax: +7 495 739-70-70
E-mail: [email protected]
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