VERNA offers IBM System Storage EXP3000 with the support of solid state disks 50GB together with controller ServeRAID MR10M.
The main advantages of such disks:
- They are specially designed for applications that require the maximum number of input/output operations per second, which in its turn makes it possible to increase the utilization of input/output subsystems and reduce costs for additions of storage systems;
- Low power consumption, only 2.1 W per disk. So, EXP3000 with 12 SSD consumes 150 W;
- Speed of access to data compared to ordinary disks is increased threefold without the loss of data availability or integrity;
- Absence of moving parts reduces the potential risk of disk failure;
- S.M.A.R.T technology makes it possible, by software means, to inform the user on a disk failure thus shortening the down time.