26 August, 2016, Москва — Дискавери РГ, ООО | 265
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In 2015 market volume of non-ferrous scrap in Russia reached 3 122 thousand tonnes; compared to 2014, the market has increased by 18.4%. Main role plays production of scrap.
Volume of ferrous scrap production in Russia reached 73 651 thousand tonnes; compared to 2014, the volume has decreased by 8%. The largest share of ferrous scrap production in 2015 belongs to wastes, cuttings and etc. — 79%.
Volume of non-ferrous scrap production in Russia reached 3 119 thousand tonnes; compared to 2014, the volume has increased by 18%. The largest share of non-ferrous scrap production in 2015 belongs to wastesand scrap of copper metals — 44%.
The largest share of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap production in Russia by federal districts in 2015 belongs to Urals Federal District.
The largest share of ferrous scrap production in 2015 belongs to Sverdlovsk region — 22%. Next is Chelyabinsk region — 11%. The third one is Vologda region — 8%.
The largest share of non-ferrous scrap production in 2015 belongs to Sverdlovsk region — 29%. Next is Samara region — 7%. The third one is Moscow region — 5%.
You will find more information about the report here: http://www.drgroup.ru/2143-russian-market-of-ferrous-and-non-ferrous-metal-scrap-with-database-of-import-export-operations.html
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