20 December, 2012, Москва — РУССКАЯ ПАНЕЛЬ | 380
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According to the results of the Advisory and Public Councils of the Award, the “Russian Panel Group” (RPG) became the Prize Winner of the “Best Domestic Manufacturers of Building Materials” Nomination for the development and production of innovative materials. The “Russian Construction Olympus” Prize is highly prestigious and well recognized in its professional sphere, this year it turned 16.
“Russian Panel Group” PLC was awarded by the Advisory Council of the “Russian Construction Olympus” Program for the development and production of RUSPANEL, the innovative building material. The Award is a mark of quality in the Russian construction industry and confirms the high culture of entrepreneurship, business activity and the effectiveness of the company.
“Russian Panel Group” marked this year with a significant expansion of the proposition list and the volume of produced materials, and production reequipment.
According to Denis V. Volchenko, the General Director of the company, the victory of “RPG” indicates the recognition and the favour of the RUSPANEL technology by the society and specialists. Since 2007, “Russian Panel Group” was engaged in the production and integration of innovative materials in the field of repairs and construction.
RUSPANEL panels, “Comfort” sound absorbing panels, KREMLIN wall block are presented among the materials produced by “RPG”.
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