29 February, 2012, Москва — Evemedi Company | 160
Отдых и Развлечения
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"Brilliant Transcriptions" will be presented by an ensemble of soloists "Concertino" - a sort of a miniature orchestra without a conductor. Its peculiarity is that every team member is a great soloist, and at the same time, all musicians have an amazing feeling of the ensemble. The highest level of professionalism, solid experience and tender attitude to the music performed help the ensemble to fully reveal the depth of each musical composition and convey every delicate nuance to the listener. The ensemble "Concertino" carries on intensive concert activities at the best academic halls around the world. "The polished style of " Concertino" meets the highest requirements and finds its admirers both among professionals and music amateurs. Whether a large form is performed, or a simple little melody sounds, there is always a bright emotional palette the team that fascinates"- the Spanish newspaper "La Opinion de Granada" commented.
The concert program includes original musical arrangements of popular works of world classics - from the masterpieces of the baroque to the contemporary music. The famous "Swan" of Camille Saint-Saens, the exciting "Dance with Swords" of A. Khachaturian, a beautiful aria «Casta Diva» of W. Bellini and «Memory» of E. Lloyd Webber from the musical "Cats" - these are just a small part of the fantastic musical show "Brilliant Transcriptions". Also, the ensemble "Concertino" perform the "pearls" of chamber music of Russian and European composers of XVIII-XX centuries, there are the works of E. Fomina, J. Ranka, A. Dinicu, F. Farkas, I. Frolov, and others among them.
Bryusov pereulok, 2/14, stroenie 8, Moscow
Information and tickets booking (24-h/7-d):
+7 (495) 646 0124 (Moscow); 8 800 555 1028 (for the Russian regions); [email protected]
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