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Denis Simachev and Valentin Yudazhkin about «Russian Folk Crafts»

30 January, 2012, Москва  | 171 Колличество просмотров

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"It’s the only one thing really Russian and really mine, which is in my roots and which I can reveal to the West as part of me when I enter the West market and declare that there’s a fashion industry in Russia".


26 min, 2011
popular science film

Production: "Centre of National Film" Studio
Cast: DENIS SIMACHED (Russian designer)

It's a sequel of popular science films "Russian Folk Crafts", devoted to the history of Khokhloma and its appliance in modern times.

Denis Simachev, the most fashionable designer of contemporary Russia took part in the film: "I choosed Khokhloma as the base of my creative work because it’s the only one thing really Russian and really mine, which is in my roots and which I can reveal to the West as part of me when I enter the West market and declare that there’s a fashion industry in Russia".


26 min, 2011
popular science film

Production: "Centre of National Film" Studio
Cast: DENIS SIMACHED (Russian designer)

It's a sequel of popular science films "Russian Folk Crafts", devoted to the history of Khokhloma and its appliance in modern times.

Denis Simachev, the most fashionable designer of contemporary Russia took part in the film: "I choosed Khokhloma as the base of my creative work because it’s the only one thing really Russian and really mine, which is in my roots and which I can reveal to the West as part of me when I enter the West market and declare that there’s a fashion industry in Russia".

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Читайте также: Последние релизы:
  • Пресс-релизы на Питербургере
  • Пресс-релизы на Гривна.инфо

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Левитас Александр


«Партизанский маркетинг 2017»: открыт конкурс на организацию трансляции

«Мы собрали на одной сцене лучших экспертов по малобюджетному маркетингу и бизнесменов, уже внедривших инструменты партизанского маркетинга в своих компаниях, чтобы они поделились с участниками конференции самыми эффективными инструментами и самыми яркими „фишками“, которые можно будет сразу применить в своем бизнесе и очень скоро получить результат»

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