24 January, 2014, Киев — Бовсуновский Владислав | 928
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According to the presentation, PLAVVY platform enables IT professionals to develop solutions much faster and thus cheaper comparing to the traditional approach. The range of tasks PLAVVY solves is almost unlimited. This includes the development of collaboration infrastructure, "single window", business intelligence solutions, centralized file storage, business process management and service-oriented architectures, as well as many other specific business tasks.
PLAVVY platform allows to create document-based systems relevant to ECM concepts (Enterprise Content Management), supporting the full documents lifecycle, from preparation of project documents and templates to document storage, ensuring the functions of an electronic archive.
The specialists from the Intecracy Group Consortium, an international consortium of Information & Communication Technology companies, have been working on platform localization and adaptation to the requirements of Ukrainian legislation by the order of Ukrainian partnering company. The work resulted in creating a new solution — UnityBase. The first result of the UnityBase implementation was the electronic document management system of the new generation - UnityBase.M3.
The PLAVVY platform benefits include:
According to the Gartner Group: “Corporations are now finding that work organized stepwise incurs unavoidable delays and errors as paper is handed off from person to person and unit to unit…IT is the single most powerful tool for breaking traditional assumptions and rules about business, and it is the tool that makes new ways of operation possible.” With the presentation of PLAVVY platform the Software Intecracy supported its own statement that the most revolutionary and successful change in IT business practices today is the Rapid Application Development.
About Software Intecracy
Software Intecracy is a UK-based IT consulting company doing its best to bring a full range of IT capabilities to a variety of IT business situations. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Luton, England. The company is the member of the Intecracy Group Consortium, an international consortium of companies working in Information & Communication Technology. The geography of its customers covers the U.S., UK, DACH countries as well as Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. In 2013 the Software Intecracy developed a revolutionary PLAVVY platform for rapid application development. Visit http://www.softwareintecracy.com/
More information on the company and platform can be received by sending a request to [email protected]
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