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New investment opportunity in Gold Mimining Busines is presented by Rangold Investments Limited

17 November, 2011, НикосияRangold Investments Limited Улучшенный аккаунт | 321 Колличество просмотров

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Rangold Investments Limited is ready to introduce a shining opportunity to invest and get high dividends. This is an amazing possibility to make money on some of the most ancient way and object of investing! RANGOLD INVESTMENTS LIMITED suggests its clients and investors sticking to a proved way of making money.

The recent economic recession has affected the worldwide way of structuring economic relations, making affairs and leading business. However, when hard times come to the stage, wise people are turning to something that has always been taken for granted.

For so many months the best world's experts were searching for a perfect solution in the time when everything can devaluate in a moment. Finally, they turned to a side that was checked by centuries – the side of precious metals. The question has been asked for so many long and nobody could suddenly believe that the answer exists. And the answer is gold.

Gold was used as an investment measure since B.C. era. Consequently, the metal that can not oxidize, can be easily handled and melted into amazingly beautiful jewelry masterpiece was destined to become a world's material currency.

Even now the mighty and financial power of a state can be defined by its gold reserves. The credits or loans given out by the bank shoud be based on the amount of gold owned by a bank.

People in developing countries are still investing by buying jewelry items made of gold and silver. However, the countries with developed economy have their own, more optimized, way of investing and getting profit in what relates to precious metals. They buy and sell gold bullions and the shares of gold mining enterprises making their income level higher and higher every year.

Rangold Investments Limited has bought a company in Bolivia that operates with gold mining, melting and sale to all countries, banks and companies in the world. Purchasing the shares of this company drew Rangold Investments Limited to a new level of leading a business.

Mitchell Tolbot, the CEO of the company, comments as for the deal: «This was a big step for our company. We have turned our investors from those who make an ordinary business to people who make history.»

Contact information:

Mailing address: PO Box 20328
CY-2150, Lefkosia, Cyprus

Headquarters Address:

1 Lord Byron Street, Office 414
CY-2150, Lefkosia, Cyprus

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