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DCH Finance Management Limited gives a new opportunity for investments

3 August, 2011, НикосияDCH Finance Management Ltd Улучшенный аккаунт | 454 Колличество просмотров

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August 3, 2011, Cyprus (B2BLOGGER) – Last week DCH Finance Management Limited has consummated a deal of control interest stock purchase of a quickly developing Austrian company that deals with design and production of electric vehicles. This gave our investors an extremely beneficial business opportunity.

From now on all investors of DCH Finance Management Ltd that have been more than 3 months with the company can invest up to $1,2 million into the Austrian electric vehicle enterprise in order to get additional profit and increase the capital.

This investment opportunity was launched on August 3, 2011. Any partner that has stayed with the company for the last 3 months can take part in the new investment program and try the new investment opportunity.

Our financial specialists have consummated a very successful deal by purchasing the shares of an innovative Austrian enterprise related to electric vehicles construction. This deal will guarantee the increase of company’s profits up to 145% during next 6 months.

Electric cars are automobiles that are propelled by electric motors. The energy they use is stored in special batteries. These batteries can be powered by electric current, solar energy and other ways of charge. One of the Austrian companies that design and produce electric vehicles became interesting for our investigation staff.

According to Michael Travis, DCH Finance Management Ltd chairman, it is the most beneficial opportunity ever provided to the partners of the enterprise. «DCH Finance Management is a caring and thoughtful company whose main goal is to deliver the best investment conditions ever for our most loyal clients».

However, only loyal clients can experience special extra-profitable conditions. There is no minimal investment period depending on the plan so now you can invest more during shorter or larger shifts. The more duration of the plan is, the more dividends you earn at the end. The initial payment can be refunded by 29% commission.

DCH Finance Management Ltd was founded in 2008 and became on of the leading companies in the sphere of hi-tech investments. Professional team of our economists and financial analytics deliver the best results and provide our investors with the most profitable opportunities.

Contact information:

Mailing address: P.O. Box 37639
CY-4025, Nicosia, Cyprus

Headquarters Address:

Jacovides Tower, 3st Floor, Office 309
81-83 Grivas Digenis Ave
CY-4025, Nicosia, Cyprus

E-mail: info@dch-finance.com

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